Below is a list of examples of Income and Assets as well as and written proof you must include when completing Section 4 of the tenant application form.
EMPLOYMENT RELATED INCOME Two months of pay stubs, or a completed employment verification form for:
- Full-time, Part-time, Irregular, Casual, Seasonal, Odd jobs
- Overtime earnings, separation/vacation pay
- Commissions and bonuses
- Tips and gratuities
A statement showing how much and how often you get payments, or a copy of cheque stubs for:
- Disability / Sickness pay
- Long term income protection payments
- Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB)
- Employment Insurance Payments (EI)
SELF-EMPLOYMENT INCOME Audited financial statements, or a certified copy of your most recent tax return
- Tutoring, Music Teaching, Child Care, Babysitting, Taxi, Business,
SOCIAL ASSISTANCE INCOME A copy of cheque stub and drug card
- Ontario Works (OW)
- Ontario Disability Support (ODSP)
PENSIONS AND ALLOWANCE INCOME A copy of statement of entitlement, cheque stubs, or bank statements which show how much and how often you get paid
- Old Age Security (OAS)
- Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)
- Guaranteed Annual Income Supplement (GAINS)
- Canada Pension Plan (CPP)
- Quebec Pension Plan (QPP)
- Social Security (other countries)
- Widow’s Pension
- Company Pension
- Private Pension
- Public Service Plan
- Civilian War Pensions
- Disability Pension
- War Veterans Allowance (D.V.A.)
- War Veterans Allowance (other countries)
- Military or Militia or Civil Defense Allowance
- Training / Retraining Allowances
OTHER INCOME Copies of statements, cheque stubs, bank statements, legal agreements or other proof of income
- Insurance payments
- Student grants/bursaries, OSAP
- Provincial or municipal payments
- Payments under compensation for Victims of Crime Act
- Mortgage income
- Payments from Public Guardian and Trustee
- Payments from Children’s Aid Society or Catholic Children’s Aid
- Separation payments
- Alimony payments
- Support payments (for spouse or child)
- Support from relatives or other sources/Sponsorship
- One-time lump sum payments (inheritances, court and out-of-court settlements)
INCOME PRODUCING ASSETS Statements of equity, audited financial statements, bank statements, certified copy of your most recent income tax, etc.
- Farm property which produces income
- Real estate (residential, commercial, farmland, cottage, mobile home) which produces rental income
- Savings account (bank, trust company, credit union), annuities, Guaranteed Investment Certificates, stocks or shares, bonds, debentures, mortgages, loans, notes, term deposits
- License which produces income (e.g. Taxi License)
- Business interest which produces income
NON-INCOME PRODUCING ASSETS Provide a copy of statements for:
- Life insurance (with cash surrender value)
- Registered Retirement Savings Plan
- Real estate (house, condominium, summer cottages, farmland, commercial or vacant land) in any country
- Business interest which does not produce income